news ceg, 50 years raising the level news ceg, 50 years raising the level


In 2017 we had the pleasure to attend as exhibitors the INTERLIFT exhibition which was held in Ausburg, Germany from 17 to 20 October.

Without a doubt, one of the most important exhibitions worldwide for the lift industry. An incredible opportunity to keep abreast of innovations and trends in our industry. Continue reading “INTERLIFT 2017”


We are CEG. You will probably already know our motors and electric machines for the lifting industry. Today, we want to share with you our own story, a story that begins like this…

50 years ago José Ramón Lasa dreamed of world without barriers. His great industrial experience acquired in his family businesses, beside his entrepreneurial character and capacity for innovation, led him to found CEG, Construcciones Eléctricas de Guipúzcoa in 1967.

Continue reading “50 YEARS CEG”

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