These days we are living a tough situation, due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus, COVID-19.
Therefore, following the recommendations and protocols established by the Health Authorities and the Authorised Bodies, in CEG INNOVA we have designed an action protocol, which main objective is protecting the Health and Safety of our staff, clients, suppliers, collaborators and, in the end, the society as a whole.
Several measures have been taken, such as: providing additional resources to protect the Health and Safety of all personnel; promoting teleworking; balancing work and professional activity; limiting visits to our factory or third party facilities to the essential minimum; ensuring the operation and quality of our professional activity, as well as our supply chain…
In addition, our Monitoring Committee controls compliance with these measures and carefully reviews the established protocol, updating it according to the latest information available on the progress of this unprecedented situation.
All of this allows us to maintain our current activity in an almost normal way and guarantee that our products meet the usual delivery deadlines, since our production plant is fully operational and all our personnel are active, either remotely or in site.
We do hope this situation will soon improve, so that we can all return to normal.
We wish you all much strength and thanks so much for your efforts, especially to all those who are working so hard to control and bring an end to this epidemic.